Tag Archives: Beaton;Kate

Hark! A Vagrant or And Now For Something Completely Different…

Kate Beaton is this awesome, funny, satirical cartoonist who loves history so she combined the two into one fun blog : www.harkavagrant.com . The blog got so popular that they combined some of her best comic strips into a book called Hark! A Vagrant. It’s kind of hard to review a book based solely on the cartoons within but they are extremely witty…my favorite was the Suffragettes and the City – a combo of Sex and The City and suffragettes. The only thing that I have to say that is bad about it is she uses a lot of history from her native Canada so I don’t get those references…I’m not sure if this is really a fault in the book or just that I am woefully uneducated when it comes to our neighbors to the north. Of course, I am an American so I am woefully under-educated about my own history as well 😉

So if you need a break during your day, take a couple minutes and check out Kate Beaton’s website. If you like what you see take a couple more minutes and check out her book. You will not be disappointed. I give the book seven shoes – very enjoyable but certainly not great literature.



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Filed under Beaton;Kate, book review, cartoon, Hark! A Vagrant, seven shoes